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Exporti is a Blender addon for consistently exporting objects and collections. You can define the export path, format and other export settings (via Blender presets). Supported formats: abc, dae, fbx, gltf, obj, ply, stl, x3d, svg (grease pencil), pdf (grease pencil)

Where to get


How to install

  1. Go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons > Install
  2. Select and install the downloaded .zip file
  3. Enable the Exporti addon by clicking a checkbox left of it's name
  4. Restart Blender


  1. Add a new export configuration
  2. Give it a logical name
  3. Select the export format (e.g. fbx)
  4. Set the export filepath
  5. Add collections that your want to export
  6. Or select and assign objects to this configuration
  7. Export

Exporti uses the default operator presets from Blender. You can create/edit these in Blender's export window, when you manually export your scene.